How Can We Measure the Value of Specialist Cancer Care for Teenagers and Young Adults?
How can we measure the value of specialist cancer care for teenagers and young adults? National Cancer Research Institute Annual…
Using Participatory Research to Describe Young People’s Experience of Cancer Care
Using participatory research to describe young people’s experience of cancer care National Cancer Research Institute Annual Conference
Young People’s Priorities for a Teenage and Young Adult Specialist Unit
Young people’s priorities for a teenage and young adult specialist unit National Cancer Research Institute Annual Conference
Young peoples priorities for a teenage and young adult specialist unit
Young peoples priorities for a teenage and young adult specialist unit TYAC Winter Education Day, Bristol
Young people’s priorities for a teenage and young young adult specialist unit
Young people’s priorities for a teenage and young young adult specialist unit. TYAC Winter Education Day, Bristol
The ‘Essence of Care’ for Teenagers and Young Adults With Cancer
The ‘Essence of Care’ for teenagers and young adults with cancer: a national longitudinal study to assess the benefits of…
How Can We Measure the Value Specialist Cancer Care for TYA?
How can we measure the value specialist cancer care for TYA? National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Conference, Liverpool
Young people’s priorities for a teenage and young adult specialist unit
Young people’s priorities for a teenage and young adult specialist unit. National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Conference, Liverpool
Using participatory research to describe young people’s experience of cancer care
Using participatory research to describe young people’s experience of cancer care. National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Conference, Liverpool
“Thinking Outside of the Box”
“Thinking outside of the box”: a scoping exercise of the characteristics of professionals working in teenage and young adult cancer…
Using Participatory Research to Describe Young People’s Experience of Cancer Care
Using participatory research to describe young people’s experience of cancer care. TYAC Winter Education Day, Bristol
Young people’s priorities for a teenage and young adult specialist unit
Young people’s priorities for a teenage and young adult specialist unit. TYAC Winter Education Day, Bristol
INVOLVE Conference
Involving TYA with cancer in research: The National Cancer Research Institute’s Teenage and Young Adult Core Consumer Group. INVOLVE Conference, Nottingham
The Essence Of Care for Teenagers and Young Adults with Cancer: a National Longitudinal Study to Assess the Benefits Of Specialist Care (phase I)
Pearce S, Gibson F, Fern L, O’Hara C, Taylor RM, Whelan J (2010) ‘The ‘Essence of Care’ for teenagers and…
Young people’s priorities for a teenage and young adult specialist unit
Young people’s priorities for a teenage and young adult specialist unit