Conference presentations
Top Tips for Developing an Aya Research Programme
Taylor RM ‘Top tips for developing an AYA research programme‘ (keynote lecture). AYA Survivorship Symposium: Caring for the Future. Princess…
Aya Survivorship Symposium: Caring for the Future
Taylor RM, Fern LA, Barber JA, Alvarez-Galvez J, Feltbower RG, Lea S, Martins A, Morris S, Hooker L, Gibson F,…
Experiences of Teenagers and Young Adults with Sarcoma
A qualitative exploration of the experiences of teenagers and young adults with sarcoma British Sarcoma Group (BSG) Annual Conference, London,…
Measuring what Matters
Measuring what matters: developing the content of the Sarcoma Assessment Measure (SAM) British Sarcoma Group (BSG) Annual Conference, London, 27th-28th…
The Role of Professional Expertise and Support in Patients’ Experience
“The Clinical Nurse Specialist was really a stable point for me to go to for any sort of information or…
Identifying the Clinical Utility of SAM
Interactive workshop with the delegates of the NSF to identify the clinical utility of SAM British Sarcoma Group (BSG) Annual…
SAM: Capturing Experience
SAM: capturing experience to measure outcome (invited speaker) British Psychosocial Oncology Society, Chester, 1st March
Development of the content of the Sarcoma Assessment Measure (SAM)
Development of the content of the Sarcoma Assessment Measure (SAM) PROMS Annual UK Research Conference, Leeds, 13th June
The Five ‘Es’ of Holistic Care for Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer
The Five ‘Es’ of Holistic Care for Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer Qualitative Health Research Network Conference, London, 21-22nd…
Working With Young People to Creatively Disseminate a National PROMS Study
Working with young people to creatively disseminate a national PROMS study – developing ‘There is a Light: BRIGHTLIGHT’ PROMS Annual…
Challenges in Developing Sarcoma-specific Tools
Challenges in developing sarcoma-specific tools (workshop). British Sarcoma Group, Birmingham, 27th February
“No Peppa Pig!”: Conceptualising Age-appropriate Care for Teenagers and Young Adults With Cancer
“No Peppa Pig!”: Conceptualising age-appropriate care for teenagers and young adults with cancer RCN International Research Society Conference, Birmingham, 16-18th…
SAM – Sarcoma Assessment Measure Phase 1: Patient Experience
SAM – Sarcoma Assessment Measure Phase 1: Patient experience Bone Cancer Research Trust Conference, Birmingham, 23rd June
There is a Light: BRIGHTLIGHT – Working With Young People to Create Impactful Dissemination
There is a Light: BRIGHTLIGHT – working with young people to create impactful dissemination TYAC Annual Conference, Birmingham, September 11th-12th
The Support Needs of Young People at the End of Active Cancer Treatment
The support needs of young people at the end of active cancer treatment 3rd Global AYA Cancer Congress, Sydney, Australia…
Healthcare Professional Perceptions of Online Information and Support for Young People With Cancer in the United Kingdom
Healthcare professional perceptions of online information and support for young people with cancer in the United Kingdom 3rd Global AYA…
Measuring Quality of Life in Young People With Cancer (Invited Presentation)
Measuring quality of life in young people with cancer (invited presentation) TYAC Annual Conference, Birmingham, 11-12th September
The Challenge of Measuring Teenage and Young Adult Experience of Cancer in a Longitudinal Survey
The challenge of measuring teenage and young adult experience of cancer in a longitudinal survey (symposium presentation) RCN International Research…
Sustained Improvements in Self-esteem, Emotional Functioning, Social Functioning and Body Image One Year After Attending the Residential Weekend ‘Find Your Sense of Tumour’
Sustained improvements in self-esteem, emotional functioning, social functioning and body image one year after attending the residential weekend ‘Find Your…
Working on “Quality of Life” for Sarcoma Patients: Development of SAM (Sarcoma Assessment Measure)
Working on “Quality of Life (QoL)” for sarcoma patients: Development of SAM (Sarcoma Assessment Measure) 8th SPAEN Annual Conference, Milan,…